Snap-shots from the life of the Greeks in Asia Minor before 1922. An interview with Filio Chaidemenou

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Editing: Irini Gratsia, archaeologist

An interview with the late Filio Chaidemenou for the life of the Greeks in Asia Minor prior to the catastrophe of 1922. Habits, traditions, snap-shots of every-day life along with the sad events of the catastrophe and the displacement come into life through her expressive words.

A short CV
Ms Filio Chaidemenou was born in 1899 at Vourla of Asia Minor. In 1922 after the displacement, she came to Greece with her mother Kiouranio and her younger brother Antonis. Grandma Filio, as she was known, created the memorabilia collection, that was the foundation of the Asia Minor Museum in Nea Filadelfeia that was named after her. She passed away in 2006.

This interview was taken in the building that hosted the memorabilia collection for the first time in Nea Filadelphia in May 1999.
