Shapes of water and sea

Praxiteles Tzanoulinos, sculptor

Shapes from the sea, figures that reveal the primitive rhythm of the water, this is what I often meet walking by the sea.
These accidental meetings, challenge me to create.
Interpreting these special shapes, I am slipping in their world trying to feel- not to understand  - that minor speciment.
The dialogue and the adventure of making begins when enlarging the figures in the material.
The strong curves, the spiral  shapes, the light, the shadow, make me approach the story of life from the beginning, coming over what my eyes can see, so as to discover a new visual experience.

Praxitelis Tzanoulinos was born in Falatodo in the island of Tinos in 1955. He studied sculpture in the Athens School of Fine Arts beside Giannis Pappas. He has presented his work in many exhibitions in Greece and he has been awarded many prices. His sculptures can be found in museums, private collections and public spaces. He works in Tinos and in Athens. He is a member of the Greek Sculptors Association and of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece.
He also teaches in the Technological Educational Institute of Athens from 1989.

Prices /Distinctions:
- 1984, First price of Sculpture for the work «Freedom and Peace» from the Municipality of Kallithea.
- 1984, He was chosen to participate in the exhibition for the celebration of the 150 years of Athens, that was held in the National Garden
- 1987, Price of Sculpture from the Academy of Athens
- 1997, First price of Sculpture for the work “Theofilos, the painter” from the Municipality of Volos
